Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Voting is Open

Its March7 in Iceland, that means the CSM7 polls have opened.

You can vote for me here http://community.eveonline.com/council/voting/Vote.asp?c=471

I'd also like to mention I participated in a podcast '1v1' on Voices from the void. The podcast covers some general eve news as well as me talking to a CSM candidate who doesnt seem to have PvPed in his life.


To round out my podcast attendance, I took part in a 1h session of "shit on Kugu" with way too many people. It was a good time however, but I don't remember anything specific getting discussed.

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Vote Match is Live

I encourage everyone to check out this great utility from former CSM member, and VETO brosef Dierdra Vaal. I had submitted my thoughts as a candidate last week, and the system is now live for public use.


Pretty simple update, go do it and see if your views match my own. I tried to use as many "strongly agree/disagree" as I could.

Taken from Dierdra's FHC post on the subject:
What is Vote Match!
Vote Match! is a service that allows players to quickly compare their opinions on Eve Online with the opinions of the candidates in the CSM elections. It is based on real world services like Vote Match in the UK and Stemwijzer in the Netherlands. The service is particularly useful for those of you who do not know who to vote for: the resulting matches provide an easy way to cut down the fourty candidates to a shortlist of people who match your views on Eve. You can then use this shortlist as a guide for which candidates to look at in detail.

How does it work?
We have a collection of fourty statements about Eve Online, which can be answered with Strongly Disagree, Disagree, No opinion, Agree and Strongly Agree. Over the past ten days we have collected the answers of the CSM election candidates (all but three who despite multiple reminder evemails chose not to fill in a profile). 

Once you fill in the questionnaire, we determine where your answers match those of the candidates, and calculate a match percentage from that. You are then able to see all the answers from all the candidates (ranked by highest to lowest match). In many cases, candidates have added an explanation of their answers, which you can see by hovering your cursor over it.

How do I start?
You can go here if you want to get started right away!